Welcome to the brand-new Historic Highlands Neighborhood Association website.
My name is Angela Contreras and I developed this website all through the summer into the fall of 2023. I walked the neighborhood photographing homes and architectural detail, the foliage, people walking the neighborhood (so watch out you may see yourself pictured in this website!), and I met many wonderful neighbors who graciously allowed me to include their homes in the new Carousel of Historic Highland homes. I created the Carousel of Homes in order to showcase the varied architectural styles of our homes while bringing an awareness to their history in order to encourage a respect for, and preservation of, these beautiful and unique structures. No two are alike, and so many are lovingly restored with an attention to historic detail.
In addition, I created this “Current Events Page” in order to keep our neighbors up-to-date on the latest neighborhood news and events. Here you will find the updates and announcements about our Annual 4th of July Parade, BBQ and raffle, information about upcoming Home Tours along with the ability to purchase your tickets. You will also find announcements of the Wine Socials at the Triangle (@ Chester and Howard), notices and updates regarding neighborhood filming, status on the current Altadena Historic Highlands Proposal and other current events.
I will be updating the website with content and images on a seasonal basis. I will also be providing a link to our District 2 City Councilmember and Pasadena Vice Mayor, Felicia William monthly District 2 News Newsletter.